Welcome To C21 BE3

Now, Here's what's next!

Step By Step

Dotloop Paperwork

Check the email you used to sign up. Shortly you will receive paperwork from Dotloop that you must digitally sign. You are not officially signed up until you do.

Company Email

Your @c21be3.com email is already being created and you will recieve an email once it's created and ready for you to complete the set up on. This email will be your key to many of our platforms.


Our main platform is your agent portal which can be found at thenextlevelu.com. You can use your @c21BE3 email to sign in. From there you can link out to Moxi & Dotloop.

Onboarding Call

Once we have your paperwork back and you are fully set up, we will reach out to schedule your inital onboarding call. On this call we will introudce you to all of the platforms and go over the next steps!

Please also be on the look out for a series of emails from caitlin Bearid. She will be sending you a series of important emails to follow.